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The International Association of Egyptologists (IAE) is a professional organization that unites world-wide scholars and scientists who study the ancient cultures of Egypt. The IAE advocates for preserving the world’s archaeological heritage and condemns intentionally targeting cultural heritage sites unequivocally.

In memoriam Barry J. Kemp (1940-2024)

The International Association of Egyptologists mourns the loss of Barry J. Kemp. The Professor Emeritus of Cambridge University and Director of the Amarna Project died at the age of 84.
The author of “Ancient Egypt. Anatomy of a Civilization” inspired numerous researchers inside and outside the field of Egyptology. The IAE expresses its deepest condolences to his family, friends, and relatives.
IAE-List of Obituaries.

The International Association of Egyptologists expresses its deep concern and support for our colleagues in the Sudan. Due to the violence from the warring factions, there is an immediate and serious threat to human lives and Sudan’s cultural heritage in archaeological sites, museums and communities. We call upon the international institutions to speak out and help protect ordinary Sudanese citizens, who are the victims of these destructive forces.

The Leiden Unified Transliteration

By Members For Members

The Online Egyptological Bibliography

International Congress of Egyptologists